The iPhone 2.1 does fix a few things that users have been asking about (except for copy and paste, of course), but one thing it does not fix is the annoying “0xE80002E” problem, where you cannot install an update of an application to your iPhone. This is getting fairly annoying as it now happens to me just about every time I download new updates. After searching other websites and playing around myself, I have come up with a “solution” that works for me. Your milage may vary.
- Download updates
- Sync iPhone
- Dismiss error message
- Click the “Applications” tab and choose “Selected Applications:”
- Uncheck the apps that are giving you update problems. iTunes will confirm that you wish to delete these from your iPhone.
- Resync your iPhone. The apps will have been deleted.
- Re-check the apps in the “Applications” tab
- Resync your iPhone yet again
Your apps (in their updated state) should now be once again on your iPhone, and all error messages should be gone. The only downsides to this method is that it takes a long time, and it deletes any saved settings and content from the app. But at least your app will be updated and there will be no error messages.