Nov 28, 2007

Mini-Z club race rap-up

Another sunday of Dorks On Wheels racing came to a close. This week was a special one however. I finally got my mod car!!! My good racing buddy (and fellow Kutztown local) Larry hooked me up with a new 02 chassis for cheap, and with some help from Ed (swapped boards, stock for mod) I got the car at least to the point where it was running.

I've sanded the differential down, re-lubed it and installed back on. The PN disc dampener is really slick. I also LOVE the power the Anima motor has.

What it still needs:
  • A good set of rims. The wheels that came with the Pan Car kit completely suck. I cracked one installing a bearing.
  • Speaking of bearings.. A full bearing set. I forgot that I'm out of bearings.
  • +1 and +2 Toe Out steering bars. Car definitely needs more steering, as it's constantly pushing no matter what spring I threw at it.
  • Possibly -1 Knuckles? Haven't decided yet.
  • PN Memory Antenna. I love the pink one I have on my stock car.
Speaking of my stock car.. I ended up smoking the board on sunday as well. Seems there was a short inside due to a cut in the insulation of the - side lead. Took out one of the 3010 FETs. I ended up running Ed's Enzo all day. I dropped out of the F1 class after the first heat cause it sucked at handling completely, and I wanted to spend time getting the Mod car ready. The F1's board has always been hokey.. It's like it has a natural 2-speed tranny on it. All of a sudden it kicks into high gear. I might try getting the FETs replaced.

Sooner or later I'll get a post up here of my Mods to my LG CU500 phone. That's all for now.

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